International Academic Competitions is excited to announce that its 2024 International Geography Bee European Championships will be held at City of London School in London, UK, on Saturday, June 1, 2024. 

Registration takes place on the website. Costs are listed here.

The European Championships of The International Geography Bee consists exclusively of buzzer-based quiz competition using “pyramidal” style paragraph-length questions that progress from harder to easier information. The IGB European Championships are held each spring in conjunction with the European Championships of the International History Bee and Bowl. The IGB and IHBB rounds take place at different times so that students may compete in both. The European Championships feature 3 preliminary rounds of 30 questions that are 4-6 lines in length, and a final round for the top students. Roughly 30-40% of the questions focus on European geography

Please see the Resources Page for past questions used at the IGB European Championships with which to practice. Please also see the past questions used at the Geography Bee of Europe (accessible here – scroll down, and then click on the questions used at past European Championships for 2015 and 2016). Additional practice questions from past years’ Quiz Bowl Tournaments at the US Geography Championships National Championships can be found on the USGC website here though in terms of content, these tournaments have more questions on the geography of the USA than the questions we use at the IGB European Championships.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you in the UK on June 1!